OOO "Business. Consulting. Training"
Our creative blend of common sense psychology with management
and communication principles has encouraged business people
and other professionals to: supervise effectively, increase
motivation, improve productivity, solve problems, and resolve
conflicts. The "people skills" concepts in this program
are easy to understand. They will help you to communicate
effectively with others - your boss, peers, subordinates,
customers and your own family members.
Do Some of These Problems Confront Your Organization?
People don't say it straight, so they show it crooked.
Employees are promoted to management but are not trained
to manage.
Responsibility is not clearly delineated or authorized.
People and departments compete rather than cooperate.
Employees are not self motivated.
Agreements aren't kept.
Compliments are rarely given to the boss, peers or
Decisions which impact others are made without appropriate
Customers and employees are confronted in ways, which
invite defensiveness.
Ineffective behavior is blamed on others or is justified.
Our aim is to provide guidelines to resolve these and
many other issues.
Psychometric Testing
Individual and/or group/organization assessment - staff
'auditing' according to agreed criteria.
Testing of candidates for required positions - support
in selection.
Changing or creation of a new image of a manager.
One-hour free presentations are for decision making
people in an organization, HR, Training and other managers.
We prefer to custom design presentations to meet the special
needs of diverse audiences.
The topics:
Stages of Group Development
Team Building Tips
Live in the here and now
Organizational Games People Play
Coping with Change
Individual Consulting
Individual consulting is designed for managers to be more
effective and efficient on the job.
The following topics are involved:
Self-regulation and relaxation techniques
Career development issues
Changing self-image
Creating self-support system
Confronting 'resistible' employees
When to closely supervise and when to delegate
'Pseudocompetency' syndrome or how to cope with personal
Mediation of disputes, misunderstandings. Prognosis
of effective partnership.
Business Analysis and Strategic Planning
Analysis of groups/departments, their structure and
communication channels, organizational script and its
influence on the mission and success of organization
Corporate on-site seminars
The following seminars and training are offered as an
educational approach to organizational development. The
training is intended to increase operational efficiency,
employee effectiveness, and personal satisfaction, thereby
benefiting the entire organization and ultimately, the
'bottom line'.
The principles apply to all organizations. The creative
blend of Transactional Analysis, behavioral approaches,
management and communication principles, N.L.P., Gestalt-Therapy
and common sense allow to conduct training in a relaxed
and informal atmosphere. These sessions provide opportunities
to for small groups discussions, practice exercises, role
playing, and on-going opportunity for questions and answers.
The optimal number of participants is 10 - to 15.
Executive / Management Training and Seminars
(A must for organizational change)
1. Understanding yourself and others - don't turn stress
into distress.
2. How to communicate effectively with employees, employers,
peers, customers/clients - how to listen and establish
rapport with people who are being 'resistible'.
3. Increase motivation and productivity - how to compliment,
the art of tactful confrontation and leadership.
4. Management principles for successful managers/supervisors
- pitfalls in supervision, team building concepts, creating
a give-and-take atmosphere, decision making, leading productive
5. Constructive problem solving - identify problems, decide
on solutions, and develop a specific plan of action for
6. Organizational problems solving. Analysis of departments,
communication channels and blocks, staff 'auditing'.
7. Goal setting and time management - how to set viable,
quantifiable goals and develop a structure for implementing
8. Team Building. Creating Team Spirit. Breaking down
barriers and increasing trust.
9. Organizational games, discounting, drama triangle and
problem solving in the work place.
10. How to sell in hard times - the five steps in making
a sale and keeping it closed.
11. Telephone sales and negotiations.
12. Interviewing Skills - how to select competent professional
and good people to your organization.
The training includes CONSULTATIONS with participants.
The there-fold purpose of these sessions are: to develop
insights in the organization so as to custom design the
program; to determine individual goals; to provide an
opportunity for coaching and feedback.
Fees guidelines: Individual Consulting
- $60 per hour plus V.A.T.
Training - from $1000 per day plus V.A.T.
OOO "Business.Consulting.Training" 2001
Tel.: (812) 320-2608
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